Saturday, May 26, 2007

Goodbye Menstration

There's an interesting article over at Slate about a pill that is designed to stop menstruation. Being male, I really don't have much of an opinion on this but I am curious about what other people think. Is this a good idea? A bad one?


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Being female, and having to deal with the junk that accompanies my period I'm all for it. Getting your period makes you irrational, moody, cramped, and 100% miserable.


Jarne said...

What about the arguments that periods are a natural part of female biology? Or that people shouldn't start messing with their bodies until more studies have been done to see if the pills are safe? I'm not endorsing these arguments, just bringing them up.

Anonymous said...

Well I see both sides of the arument but I do think it's everyones choice you CAN take it or you could not it's not like that freakin' gardasil which they're trying to make it manditory for young girls to get I think very few drugs should ever be manditory and... I'm getting off point anyway I don't like to mess with the natural way of things too much I already think humans aren't natural enough (I know what I mean but it's hard to explain) but for some people this could really make them happier so.. yeah
